The phrase “stewed prunes” doesn’t exactly evoke a mouth-watering response. Black-brown in colour, paste-like in texture and a smoky, almost cloying sweetness isn’t what might be considered a palatable offering. But as far as babies go, prunes are the perfect food, especially if their bowel could use a little extra help.
Full of Vitamin A (in the form of beta carotene), dietary fibre, potassium and antioxidants, prunes (a.k.a. dried plums) are considered a low-allergen food that is sweet enough to appeal to Isla’s banana-loving palette. So, in a desperate attempt to find another fruit that Isla would willingly eat (her desire for apples never did match bananas), I bought sulphur-free organic prunes, covered them with purified water and simmered them down until they were a soft, bubbling mass. Then I pureed them, only to discover the end result was a thick, glue-like substance that even I found unappealing. Adding a little water to the mix helped, at the very least, to reduce their choking/gagging hazard, and into the food cubes the prunes went.
In a surprise twist, Isla likes prunes! However, whether it’s bananas or prunes, I’ve discovered that timing is everything when it comes to if – or how much – Isla will eat. Some mealtimes she’ll refuse solid food, while later that day or at the same time the next day, she’ll eagerly eat. I’m not convinced it’s entirely a result of how hungry she is, as she’ll happily breastfeed after refusing solid food. Whatever the case may be, Isla obviously has her reasons, and as we continue to explore the different flavours and textures of various foods, Isla will continue to decide whether she wants to take part. Even in prunes...
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